An ongoing series of works exploring the concept of ‘Gathering’ objects as emotional support, protection, expression and an act of remembrance.
Fire, nests and flowers (dead and wilting) are the dominant motifs in this body of work.
Fire represents both destruction and creation, a symbol of warmth or nourishment that is comparatively indiscriminate in its devastation. In these works it signifies the spiritual slaughter and consequential rebirth of oneself in the chaotic aftermath of trauma.
The recurrent imagery of nest building evokes a yearning for stability and strength. Despite the common metaphor for refuge, the brittleness of these forms echoes this longing, suggesting a constant state of vulnerability.
Dead and wilting flowers serve as a poignant reminder of the impermanence of life and the delicate nature of ones emotions. The gradual fading of something precious and a profound sense of something cherished slipping away. Whether it be hope, purpose or emotional connection. Once vibrant, feelings have faded leaving behind a sense of loss and emotional decline.
As a series these works weave a narrative of the push and pull between creation and destruction, safety and danger, beauty and decay.